ROCS Big Brothers Big Sisters Holiday Toy Donation 2022

Big Brothers Big Sisters Holiday Toy Donation Event
The holidays are finally here, and the ROCS team loves nothing more than spreading happiness and cheer!
We had a fantastic time volunteering for Big Brothers Big Sisters Toy Drive for the 11th year.
We went to Target and made sure to take our time picking the best toys…
Hoping to really impress all of the girls and boys!
We loved watching the children’s faces light up when a gift caught their eye
Watching the toys on the table slowly disappear, saying our final goodbyes!
The ROCS Team hopes to bring joy to anyone near
And encourages everyone to get out, give back, and spread some cheer this year!
Thank you to our clients and friends who have supported us and allowed us to make this gift possible. The ROCS team had a fantastic time on December 5th giving back to our community and sponsoring our annual toy drive for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Each year, our team buys a few hundred toys to distribute to boys and girls ages 9-18. This year we were thrilled to be hosted by Compass Coffee in Washington, DC. The entire team had a blast watching all of the children pick their favorite toys and enjoy some tasty treats from Compass Coffee. The entire team always looks forward to our community events and already can’t wait until next year!
Some Pics From the Event: