
September 7, 2023
The Impact of AI on Recruiting
AI is the talk of business and the capabilities are mind blowing. What does this new technology do and how will it impact recruiting?What jobs will be eliminated, transformed or be created? What steps can betaken now to address the tsunami of change AI will cause in the workplace. This webinar will attempt to address these questions and more.

August 29, 2023
Trends in Credentials and Certificates
With the rising cost of higher education, shortage of skilled labor and the fast evolution of business, companies and candidates are seeking short term certificates to satisfy the demand. More employers are substituting certificates for degrees which is causing a shift in education attainment decisions. Which ones are in the most demand, in which region, and with which employer? This webinar and tool will assist both employers and jobseekers navigate this new model..

August 1, 2023
What Generation Z wants from an Employer
Post-Covid the workplace has changed and what recent gradsare looking for in an employer has also evolved. One of the longest running andbroadest surveys of college graduates that’s annually used by many of thelargest firms in the world, will be presented by the leader of the Americas.Scratching your head trying to understand this demographic in the workplace?This webinar will answer the why behind their behaviors.

August 1, 2023
Summer Webinar Series: Hiring Gen Z, Impact of AI on Recruiting and more
Join ROCS Grad Staffing plus Special guests for an engaging and informative summer webinar series that delves into the dynamic landscape of today's workforce. Our series is tailored to equip employers and HR professionals with essential insights to navigate the changing expectations and trends in the job market.

May 18, 2023
Career Services Leaders Advice for Recent College Graduates
Each May college students become college graduates. They leave the college environment for the work environment. All of the classes, studying and examinations have been preparation for the next step of life. What can a graduate expect in the current labor market? How can companies find talent and onboard them to help their organizations as quickly as possible? Hear from the leaders at Virginia Tech and Virginia on their insights and advice for transitioning to the workforce.

April 24, 2023
Aligning the Government, Higher Education and Private Sectors for Success
Post-Covid, market equilibrium has been a fantasy. High wages are influencing inflation. Enrollments at colleges are declining. Graduates report being underemployed. Firms lament the lack of no talent to fill open roles. Governments are struggling to provide the services that constituents need in this changing landscape. What is the outlook?

March 22, 2023
The Internship, Understanding the Nature of Work
The internship has become a tremendous opportunity for individuals to learn about themselves in the work environment and, for employers, a means to cultivate new talent. However, the internship is oftentimes ill-defined for all parties due to a lack of understanding of how to make the most of the opportunity. Once fully grasped, participants will better understand how to optimize internship opportunities for everyone in the process and leverage their learnings for greater work successes.

December 8, 2022
College Recruiting Outlook 2023
Post-Covid college recruiting is seeing unprecedented changes to the model that employers, students and career centers have historically created.

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