Episode 6: What To Wear For An Interview

Episode 6: What To Wear For An Interview
Leaving The Nest - Episode 6: What To Wear For An Interview
How does someone “dress for success” for an interview?
We’ve all heard the cliché and we’re all told we should do it. The trouble is there aren't a lot of helpful tips out there that explain how job applicants should dress for success.
That’s where we come in!
Welcome back to another episode of Leaving the Nest. I’m your host, Kathleen Pellegrino from ROCS Grad Staffing. Our mission is to help you find a job out of college and thrive in the real world.
Today, I’m joined by Connor Davis, and we’ll be covering everything you need to know from top to bottom about what to wear for an interview. From hair styles to socks, from blouses to pants, and from belts to shoes, we’ll give our best recommendations for what recruiters are really looking for when it comes to interview dress codes for men and women.
And this is the biggest thing to remember. This is your first impression. You want to make sure you’re giving off the right message by being professional, well polished, and clean cut.
I hope you find this episode leaves you looking your best!
In This Episode:
[00:30] - Kathleen introduces us to the topic of today’s episode: dressing to impress for an interview.
[02:29] - Kathleen starts the conversation by addressing the ladies and referencing her own experience.
[03:32] - This is what women seeking a job need to know about their hair for an interview.
[05:42] - What should women do when they want to wear their hair up?
[08:20] - Kathleen reminds us why women shouldn’t bring too much attention to their hair.
[08:53] - Kathleen shares advice about ears and jewelry we should all hear.
[10:26] - It’s time for women to face the facts about facial coverings and makeup.
[12:09] - When it comes to makeup and perfume, if it’s worth doing, it’s definitely not worth overdoing. Kathleen explains why.
[13:58] - Kathleen moves the attention down to the shoulders and tattoos.
[16:13] - Here are a few things to watch out for when wearing a watch.
[16:55] - These are the top tips when it comes to blouses, according to Kathleen.
[19:30] - Dresses, skirts, and tights can help some women be more confident during the interview.
[22:00] - For those that don’t want to mess with tights, skirts, or dresses, Kathleen gives some suggestions about pants.
[22:56] - What is the biggest mistake when it comes to the overall outfit?
[24:03] - Kathleen gives some advice about which shoes are the best shoes to wear.
[25:33] - Purses are a wonderful fashion statement, but which ones are best for interviews?
[27:35] - Kathleen introduces us to her guest, Connor Davis.
[29:13] - Connor shares some best practices for men’s hair styles and head coverings.
[30:52] - Should men wear earrings during an interview? Connor shares his thoughts.
[31:46] - This is what men need to know about facial hair and facial coverings.
[33:42] - Connor reflects on his experience with shirts and jackets during his interviews, and he answers the question whether or not we can overdress for an interview.
[36:19] - How important is it to know how to tie and tie?
[39:05] - What are the rules when it comes to shirt buttons and suit jackets?
[40:59] - Connor wastes no time and reveals the one thing men should know about belts.
[42:39] - Tailoring pants and a jacket can help boost confidence in men during an interview.
[44:42] - We hop into socks as Connor discusses sharing personality with fun dress socks.
[45:56] - These are the shoes men should completely avoid during an interview, according to Connor.
[47:50] - Connor elaborates on accessories, watches, and items men should bring to an interview.
[50:20] - Kathleen recommends where women can shop for business-professional attire at reasonable prices.
[51:30] - Connor recommends where he’s gotten his business-professional attire and being on the lookout for deals.
[52:30] - We hear some final reminders about how important dressing to impress can be.
[54:55] - Connor shares a story about the worst-dressed person he saw during an interview.
[56:05] - Kathleen reminisces about a man that came to an interview sharply dressed but with something off about his shoes.
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