Episode 27: ROCS a Year in Review: 2022

Episode 27: ROCS a Year in Review: 2022
ROCS a Year in Review: 2022
Hey, everyone! Welcome back to another episode of Leaving The Nest. I'm your host, Kathleen Pellegrino, from ROCS Grad Staffing. Our mission is to help you find a job out of college and thrive in the real world.
Today, my guest is a colleague and a friend, Abby Atwater, a member of our recruiting team, and she's here to help me share some of the highlights of 2022 and shed a bit more light on who we are behind the scenes here at ROCS.
As a team, we accomplished so much this year and we’ll be sure to continue that momentum going into 2023. We’re continuing to grow and are always on the hunt for new ROCStars to join us in our mission. Aside from work, we got to celebrate growing families, weddings, new pets and new addresses!
Thanks again for listening to Leaving The Nest, I hope you enjoy my conversation with Abby! Please leave us a review wherever you are listening and share this episode with others you know who are just leaving the nest or are starting one of their own. We wish you all a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year!
In This Episode:
[01:27] – Abby Atwater introduces herself and tells us how she came to be a member of the ROCS team.
[02:01] – An exciting honor for Q1: The ROCS team was named one of the best staffing firms to work for by the Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA).
[02:38] – Abby shares what it was like to welcome others to the team at ROCS.
[05:16] – Sharing the growth of ROCS to over 20 people.
[06:10] – Recalling the annual March madness challenge and a shout-out to the winners.
[09:55] – ROCS staffing and social media sharing.
[10:38] – Kathleen shares her special announcement from Q1 2022 and the reactions of her coworkers.
[11:21] – How Family Feud plays into the ROCS culture (and a behind-the-scenes look at how they determine who gets to play host).
[14:58] – Abby shares highlights from her first in-person career fair at George Mason in Q2.
[15:57] – How the career fair helped build the ROCS team.
[17:47] – Highlighting the growing fur families of ROCS during Q2.
[19:32] – Celebrating the Moxie Award 2022 and a top five showing for one of the best places to work in Greater Washington in 2022 from the Washington Business Journal.
[20:19] – Kathleen shares about launching the ROCS Blog.
[21:57] – ROCS: getting together and giving back through Food for Others.
[24:59] – Kathleen shares a funny story about an explosion at the food distribution center.
[29:08] – Cheering team members on as they did a 5K for The Arc of Virginia (and Tom's first-place WIN amongst the ROCS team.
[31:24] – Abby introduces us to Panini, her puppy, and shares details about her nuptials in July 2022.
[34:23] – Post-Covid: celebrating weddings and more for the team.
[35:51] – Stuart joined the team as the Director of North Carolina Operations in Winston-Salem, NC, doubling ROCS' exposure.
[37:56] – Baby shower time for Kathleen and the birth of McKenna.
[40:31] – Kathleen shares the story of ending up in the ICU and how the ROCS team rallied around her.
[41:38] – Showing up and showing team spirit at the The Ballpark Loudoun.
[45:17] – Kathleen and Abby share some ideas for relieving workday stress.
[45:51] – Kathleen shares how they celebrated the first anniversary of the Leaving the Nest podcast.
[46:23] – Abby shares the celebration of her first ROCSiversary and reflects on where she is a year in.
[45:17] – Kathleen and Abby share some ideas for relieving workday stress.
[45:51] – Kathleen shares how they celebrated the first anniversary of the Leaving the Nest podcast.
[46:23] – Abby shares the celebration of her first ROCSiversary and reflects on where she is a year in.
[47:30] – Sharing the ROCS Recruiting Outlook for 2023 Webinar.
[49:20] – A shout-out for the support for Kathleen's maternity leave and Jessica's baby shower.
[52:21] – Puppy playdates and a photo shoot for Muffin the ROCS Swag Model.
[52:54] – Sharing the stories of Q4, the ROCS Holiday Celebration Olympics, and the white elephant gift exchange.
[57:57] – A company milestone: putting the core values of ROCS on paper.
[59:02] – Sharing a shout-out to our clients, those who've been with us awhile, and those who just joined us.
[60:06] – Thank you to our listeners and everyone who has tuned into Leaving the Nest podcast.
[61:52] – Abby shares her New Year's resolutions for 2023.
[63:58] – Kathleen shares her New Year's resolutions for 2023.
[67:41] – The details on how to connect with Abby.
ROCS Recruiting Outlook for 2023 Webinar
Listen to Leaving The Nest Podcast
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Visit our Website: ROCS Grad Staffing
Listen to Leaving The Nest Podcast
Give us a call at: 703-579-6677
Send us an email: info@rocsjobs.com
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Call: 703-579-6677
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